Act Together: Faith and Communities for Climate Action

COP29 is taking place in Baku Azerbaijan between 11 and 22 November 2024, where the negotiations’ focus will be climate finance.
Ummah For Earth Alliance will be present there to contribute to mobilizing Muslim communities and faith actors to champion climate action through an ethical and faith-driven approach. We believe that if they work together, they can drive incredible change. This is why there is a need to “Act together: Faith and Communities for Climate Action”

Ummah for earth at cop29

Ummah For Earth’s side-events and activities during COP29 aim at serving this purpose through engaging with Decision-Makers and Religious Leaders and encouraging them to inspire change and lead environmental work. We will also amplify Muslim communities’ role in climate action by highlighting green initiatives such as solarizing public buildings. 

On the other hand, our focus will also fall on Islamic finance as a tool to divest from fossil fuels and increase investment in renewable energy so that the 1.5-degrees commitment of the Paris Agreement can be achieved. During COP29, we will explore the sector’s potential to support climate action by providing ethical financial solutions that align with sustainability.

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